Frequently Asked Questions
Enrollment FAQs
Is there a cut-off date to enroll in a course?
BibLit and our online learning partner, Village Virtual, utilize rolling enrollment to allow maximum flexibility for students to enter courses. This means that students may enter a course at any point during the school year so long as the student has time to complete the enrollment before the start of summer school at the beginning of June.
How long will the student have in the course?
During the fall and spring semesters, we provide great flexibility in the time frames students may choose to complete an online course. Students will have 18 weeks in a full-credit course in a block format and 36 weeks in the traditional format. Half-credit courses are available in a block (9-week) or traditional (18-week) format.
Is your school accredited?
Because BibLit is working in partnership with credit-granting entities, this is not a concern for any of our parents. We contact the students’ schools to make certain that the credit-granting entity approves the student for the courses and by that approval acknowledges that the credit earned will be added to the student’s transcript and applied to graduation requirements. Homeschool parents are typically free to make curriculum decisions for their students and no further approval or accreditation is required. Parents should understand the homeschool laws of the state in which they reside and report the mandatory data to the appropriate credit-granting entity. We can assist in providing attendance and grade reports for homeschool families.
Bible Curriculum FAQs
Why the Bible?
The Bible is the most widely read book of all time and has influenced much of the world as we know it. Biblical concepts of love, faith, liberty, justice, hope, and unity have been a central culture-shaping text of American civilization.
The Bible has influenced art, music, theater, science, and public discourse by framing discussion and argument with what can be called a moral grammar. For these reasons, it should be studied alongside classical literature, art, history, science and mathematics, and the founding documents of America.
Through viewpoint-neutral online classes facilitated by certified teachers, BibLit enables high school students to acquire an understanding, fluency with, and appreciation of the Bible’s major ideas, historical/geographical contexts, literary forms, and its impact on later cultures, societies, and religions.
Are BibLit’s online courses constitutionally compliant?
Yes. “Public schools may not provide religious instruction, but they may teach about religion. For example, philosophical questions concerning religion, the history of religion, comparative religion, the Bible (or other religious teachings) as literature, and the role of religion in the history of the United States and other countries all are permissible public school subjects. Similarly, it is permissible to consider religious influences on philosophy, art, music, literature, and social studies. ”
(The U.S. Department of Education – Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools – January 16, 2020)
How does understanding Bible history and literature help us understand important historical documents like the U.S. Constitution?
The American form of government is based on core principles related to the inherent dignity and freedom of individuals, balanced by what is necessary to promote the common welfare of the governed. To fully grasp the importance of these founding principles (and why they should be defended), it is necessary to understand their source and how the Framers of our government understood and were motivated by these principles, such as “unalienable rights” endowed by a Creator.
“[I]t might well be said that one’s education is not complete without a study of comparative religion or the history of religion and its relationship to the advancement of civilization. It certainly may be said that the Bible is worthy of study for its literary and historic qualities.”
Justice Tom C. Clark, writing for the Court in School District of Abington Township v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203, 225 (1963)
How has the Bible shaped literature?
Numerous writers quote or reference the Bible’s themes and characters. Understanding these allusions helps students understand some of the most consequential works of literature, film, and music in history.
How has the Bible had a civic imprint?
Many of the values, stories, and images of the Bible have seeped into everyday language. Students will encounter them in movies, music, and conversation, and these courses help students understand these sayings when they hear them. In public debates throughout US history, people have used Biblical language and concepts as a sort of “moral grammar,” making understanding the Bible’s ideas crucial to understanding the history of public debate in the United States.